Longer video on Christmas origins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlEQW-NPqWI
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He doesn't even try to say that these traditions are "Christian" he just tries to refute them as being pagan.
#1 Santa, he is a modern secular fictional character base on multiple things 1 of which is "saint Nicholas" however many Christian saints are actually works of fiction made up by the church to hide the fact that they incorporated pagan deities into the church and just rebranded them as "saints"
#2 the 12 days of Christmas, 😒 ok I couldn't care less about how many days you celebrate for , he couldn't disprove the number of the days of yule,
all he could say was that it couldn't be proven, news flash abscesse of evidence is NOT evidence of abscesse.
#3 mistletoe, he couldn't disprove its pagan origins and didn't state it was Christian he tried to say it was a fairly modern peasant tradition, it is a sacred plant in the Norse pagan tradition and is directly mentioned in the lore it is so a sacred fertility plant.
#4 the star on top of the tree, honestly there isnt really any specific evidence either way , however before the fictional story of the birth of Jesus, the sun , moon and start were sacred pagan symbols associated with the cycle of the year the seasons and different Gods and Goddesses.
#5 ornaments on trees yes this was done by pagans as part of their solstice tradition, it also comes from the pagan practice of hanging sacrifices from trees.
#6 decorating with greenery lol he flat out says this is done in many cultures and many faiths around the world and is absolutely not exclusively Christian lol, also evergreens are viewed as a form of sacred plant that represent life and fertility.
#7 caroling/ Wassailing, yes this was part of pre Christian pagan traditions and remained so it just carried over into Christmas, he also doesn't present any evidence to refute this.
#8 eggnog lol it's a modern alcoholic drink , however it is based off of older European recipes not middle-eastern not Christian and not found in the Bible , so it's not Christian or pagan in origin persay, however the Bible specifically speaks against drinking in any manner other than moderate and mentions wine , never once does it mention eggnog.
#9 the Yule log , well the very name Yule is exclusively European and is directly associated with the pagan winter solstice festival of Yule and the desert the woman mentions isn't the actual Yule log the real Yule log is the one that is brought in and burned for a Yule fire each year , a peace is saved and used to light the next Yule log fire the next year.
#10 Jesus birthday, yep that's a fact it's not on December 25th , however close to this date, there were pre Christian pagan festivals, such as Germanic Yule/Jol/Jul , Italic Saturnalia, Slavic Kupala.
What a garbage video , on both counts, I can't stand her video either
Santa is based on Saint Nicholas, so he can't be based on Odin because Odin pre-dates Saint Nicholas by God knows how long & so it's physically impossible for Santa come before Saint Nicholas.
This lady thought herself so smug for being "right" when she is so wrong its pathetic.
Santa Claus=
Satan Lucas=
That Woman is a bloody Fool.
Atheists: "The 4th of July celebrations are 100% pagan because red, white, and blue colors also existed when pagans were around in ancient Norway." 🤔🙄 this is seriously how they think.
Even worshipping in a church is pagan😂😂.
Keep going….. Praying is pagan,
Observing fast is pagan too
Y'all r still playing… Even our existence is pagan😂😂
We can't have an holiday in peace… Someone will still go out there and find a pagan holiday that happens d same day to match it up
Christians are d only religious group on earth who don't know anything about their religious practices and what they symbolize…
They let d non believers tell them d meaning of their practices… They say celebrating Christ's birth on December is pagan and u trust them, they say christmas is a pagan holiday, u trustvthem
They say santa claus is not st. Nicholas but a pagan god, u believe them… And they continue to believe till they make us stop talking about Christ…
Very fooolish group of people.. Sorry my words are harsh butvits true but christians are fooolish especially d ones who don't know anything about their faith…
The fact that some ofvus don't kniw d history behind christmas and easter and santa is one example…
I bet in d future someone would cone out to tell us that worshipping in a temple or church is pagan😂😂
And then we trust them… How about we take our worship outside… This is why muslims mock us… We're not serious with ourselves
Christmas is satanic
The Christmas custom of kissing under a sprig of mistletoe is a throwback to the Middle Ages. The Druids of ancient Britain believed that the mistletoe held magical powers; hence, it was used as protection against demons, spells, and other kinds of evil. It was used in strange worship relating to occult powers. (Church Christmas Tab)
According to PAGAN traditions it was a divine branch that had come from heaven and represented the Savior. It was claimed that the god Loki in envy killed the handsome god Balder with a dart made from the mistletoe; all other plants having vowed not to harm Balder—the mistletoe having been overlooked, was therefore used.
According to this PAGAN tradition, the mistletoe dart was plucked out of Balder’s fatal wound and given to the goddess of love, Freya, whence the custom that a lad may kiss a lass if he sees her under the mistletoe!
0:18 as someone who studies different mythologies. He does indeed have an 8 legged horse named sleipnir (who is a son of loki) he does not, however, deliver presents. Also, sleipnir is never said to be able to fly in the myths he is, however, able to run extremely fast.
Celebrating Jesus birth is NOT pagan.
Celebrating it in Dezember, with a Christmas tree and with santa Clause, who is a mixture of saint Nicholas (who is NOT in the bible) and the Coca- Cola's Company colors to bring more revenue to Atlanta.
Is 100% pure paganism.
Santa Clause even if he supposed to represent Saint Nicholas ist still 100% pagan.
You shall NOT worship others gods besides me.
God even got angry when the people of moses created the golden calf to worship HIM .
So giving children the impression Santa Clause is someone you should like, because he gives you presents, by pretenting you do that because of Jesus is definitely breaking that commandment again.
Memorizing Jesus crucifixion and his resurrection is NOT pagan.
Celebrating it with a egg laying easter bunny at the wrong date for the wrong amount of time
Is 100% pure paganism again.
Jesus was born during Sukkot also called Booths –> סוכות
and he was crucified during passover/pessach –> חַג הַפֶּסַח
That are the correct dates where it happened.
And those are the correct names for those celebrations.
And god let that happen during his feasts for a reason.
The god of the Israelites and the jews is also our god.
God doesn't change.
The holy day for the lord is Sabbath NOT sunday.
Sabbath is the 7th day of the week. NOT the day of the romans where they worshiped sol invictus (their god of the sun)
It Doesn't matter if they changed the day to worshipping god. God said when the 7th day is:
And that day is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. That is sabbath the 7th day.
It doesn't matter the the UN wated to change sunday into the 7th day of the week and transform monday into the first day of the week.
Sabbath will remain the correct 7th day of the week as it is written in the bible.
God's word doesn't change.
God doesn't change.
Humans changed the dates and names of those important celebrations because they will always try to build themselves their golden calf again.
So we are once again valuing humans laws higher than gods laws. We are creating again the golden calf to worship to. Thinking we are worshipping god, which we are not doing. We are worshipping the calf again.
This time with a tree, a egg laying bunny and an obese old man with a white beard.
The feasts and festivals written in the bible are HIS feasts and that's why the most important things for us concerning Jesus happend exactly during that time.
Wow y’all will really pull this much bullshit out of your asses to keep worshipping false gods. Bummer. The Bible says don’t decorate a tree in silver and gold as the pagans did. End of story.
Can you show me one Bible verse where we are commanded to celebrate Christmas?
It's not that complicated….Christmas can be rooted in the nicest people of church history, still isn't supposed to be kept to worship Yahweh. Deut 12.
Man, let me ask a question. Do you thinck that is the BETTER defensor of the Christimas? Because i was a Jehova's witnesses and i consider my self, the best Defensor of the Birthdays.
I am search for so long for a Christimas defense specialist, and i never found one. In my language this sadly doesn't exist. So i want to know if you can get me some answer about some questions.
1) How i dealing with the fact that Jesus doesnt born in this date? I am question before i saw you videos so maybe you answer this a lot of time.
2) How i dealing with the "gold goat" argument, that is about use the pagans things to worship a god?
This 2 question for me, is hard to dealing, because these both question "acusse" of false worship, even if this worship is about the true God. To you know how hard i find this, i sometimes thinck that defende the HALLOWENN, is easier than defend the christimas. Because the christimas KEEP being a religious celebrate.
The only thing wrong about modern day christmas, it is a badtardized parody of the Saint Nicholas journey of providing the poor so they won't sell their children
Most of the rebuttals in the video can easily be disapproved just by a simple google search. Christians originally never celebrated Christ with a tree they only started doing so when they saw the pagans worshiping there gods with one. Just look up is {such an such object} pagan it’s easy.
Yes, here is NO warrant in Scripture for the Xmas festival which is totally UNRELATED to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is NOT a helpless baby, but rather he is NOW in Heaven to be worshipped as our Creator which means he has NO birthday because he has NO origin. Catholic teaching wrongly joins CHRIST & MASS together in an evil attempt to deny the ONE TIME FINISHED sacrifice of Christ on the cross. History clearly shows that ancient heathens worshipped the evil Sun-god celebrating his "birth" on their occult high day during the Winter Solstice. God commands us not to be conformed to this world and to abstain from all appearance of evil. According to the Bible there is NO such thing as a Christian festival. God wants FAITH – not festivals. Please read John 3:16 for the truth!!!
Oh wow, this guy is lying, the woman is right. Its ALL pagan, every bit of it.
People who are challenging Christmas are worse than murderers because they're PROUD
This was pretty bad sir. Your sources only go back to 1800 at the earliest? That was when Christians adopted these traditions in Europe in the first place. They were trying to justify these traditions in the Christian context in Europe long before it was brought to the states early 1900s and became more widely used.
Christmas has about as much history with Christianity as Kwanza does. Jesus most certainly was not born in the winter since as it states, the shepherds were still out in the fields. They weren’t in the fields during winter! We have evidence of a Babylonian winter holiday that goes back 2500 BC, perhaps more that’s a feast during the winter solstice. Was there a feast for the winter in the Bible? Absolutely not. There are only 7 Holy Days, all of which take Place during either spring or fall, which is when Jesus actually was born. (surprise surprise! Jesus was born on an actual Holy Day in Israel and not a pagan one! Who would’ve thought?!)
And Holly is most certainly a pagan fertility leaf. Ever heard of Hollywood? Or are you going to suggest that that institution is also Christian?
Christians adopted man made traditions all the time, especially about the birth of Jesus. They teach that the wise men went to Jesus while he was in the manger, following a brand new star in the sky. That’s not even close to accurate, they didn’t find him till he was a toddler. They went to Herod first, because he was the king. They were Wise Men (Magi) so they were stargazers, which means they likely saw a planetary or star alignment that suggested that there was a new king born in Jerusalem, following that information to Herod.
And let’s be honest, I doubt that almost every person on this channel even knows who the Wise Men are, who they descended from and why they were interested in this small country in the first place. They might not even know a simple question such as why the 3 gifts have significance to Jesus’ ministry and what those items even mean?
The only thing incorrect about what that woman said in her video was that Odin/Woden delivered presents. He did have an 8 legged beast called Sleipnir. Assuming there is any actual basis for Saint Nick (which I actually do) your take debunks your own position. Why does he have 8 reindeer? Saint Nick more than likely would’ve used sled dogs, and certainly not 8. Your debunking actually shows how little the Christmas tradition has to do with Nick at all.
You can like Christmas. I like Christmas movies just fine. But I don’t pretend that this tradition doesn’t come from the pagan tradition, because it does. And I certainly don’t pretend that the vast majority of Christians don’t worship in tradition rather than truth, because that’s what they do.
“Keep complaining & we’ll take Toyotathon”
Dude. Read Jeremiah 10:4-5 and come back.
The plain and simple fact is that Bethlehem gets nasty very cold weather on December 25th so shepherds would not be out in the field tending their flocks at night. Work from what we know. We know Jesus was put to death in April at the age of 33 and 1/2. Count back 6 months from April and you get September. Jesus was likely born late August or September therefore the irrefutable fact is, Christ being born on December 25th is a lie. Who does the Bible say invented lies? Literally everything you counter argued with is tradition and not biblical fact and Jesus even told the Pharisees you teach the traditions of men as truth and disregard the law. In addition to all that Jesus never commanded his followers anywhere in the four gospel accounts that covered his entire life to celebrate his birth there's no mention of his family doing it no mention of his friends doing it no mention of the apostles doing it no mention of any of the people who listen to him celebrating his birth. Explain yourself.
If you were shown a glass full of rattlesnake venom and the person poured it out but then without washing it out completely they simply poured milk into it and offered it to you to drink would you drink it? No you will not because you know there's traces of poison in it it's the same thing with celebrating holidays. I'm not here to insult anyone's beliefs but just as a glass of milk with traces of rattlesnake venom in it if you consume it it will make you sick and possibly kill you therefore celebrating holidays that are known to be pagan even if you try to extract what's not pagan from it will lead to a spiritual death or at the very least a spiritual illness. God expects pure worship not tainted. And besides you cannot get around the fundamental fact that Jesus was not born on December 25th but instead Nimrod was. Again as an example if I tell you that my birthday is on April 23rd but it's actually on June the 15th have I told you a lie? Yes I have. There's no refuting that. It's a lie. Therefore celebrating the notion that Jesus was born on the 25th especially since nowhere in the four gospel accounts did he even tell his followers to do that nor anywhere in the Bible does a good person celebrate their birthday it's only two instances celebrated by evil people one by Ramses the Pharaoh who had his chief cut bearer hung for entertainment in front of his guests for his birthday and the other by King Herod who you should know had John the Baptist beheaded. It's also worthy to note that birthdays are the most important day to the Church of Satan. If you don't believe me look it up for yourself before you come arguing with me. It is impossible for God to lie
I loved that face, HAHAHA.
God bless you man.